Monday, March 1, 2010


As sad as I was leaving Astoria, part of me was glad as well. Nothing better than a clean slate in a new neighborhood where no one knows you or heard you... YET ;-)!

We were at all odds at first, it was either raining or snowing the whole week and by Saturday morning (yes my move day) none of the snow has melted and it pilled up all over into little hills for midget skiers.

Everything seemed to be going well. Got the Penske... and my friends and I were loading it up! Of course it couldn't go away without mentioning our last Saturday hangout! Sometimes its good to be a clown ;-)!

Couple hours and LOTS of laughs later we were in Ridgewood unpacking, and that went smoother than we all thought it was going to go!
Some yummy food at Krolewskie Jadlo and Zywiec later the move was officially completed. Exhaustion settled in, but brain wasn't ready to give it a rest for the day.
Pumkin and I had nowhere to sleep, couldn't find the screws to put the bed back together and there was no room to put the mattress down either! Polish girls can do it though! We managed to move things around and settled on the mattress, camping style. Decided to open a bottle of wine just to relax and hopefully mellow out enough to fall asleep. Well the wine did the opposite and now we were pretty restless. With dimmed lights in the soon to be bedroom we were doing what girls do best... talking, that was until we noticed that in the window opposite from mine someone turned the light on... Curiosity won! We turned our lights out just so we could see what was going on there. Hoping for some nudity, action... Still hoping someone was going to come over to do a lap dance and a massage, since we ached terribly!
As it turned out that window was my neighbor's bathroom... and that got us even more curious.. So we kept our voices and lights down... waiting for some kind of excitement. The neighbor clearly had a girl over and she was the one using the bathroom... lingering there for quite some time... Well everything was clear after she left... and he came in just to open the window to air it out! Hahaha.. Girl gotta learn.. you don't stink up your boys bathroom... especially that there are people watching!!

Well the curtains are hung, so no more watching the neighbors... or is there???

Big shout out to all you guys who were such troopers and didn't cancel on me because of the storm! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I think this was truly the most fun move ever!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I was so disappointed that night - no one wanted to take a bath and even do some striptease in the bathroom... what's a pity :( Ridgewood = no free naked show buuuu
    but! Let's move to NJ I know one place where Pumpkin is going crazy with nude show... hhahahahahaha
