Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...

Any woman that has lived in NYC has experienced male attention in one way or another. Some attention is good, some is bad, but you can still brush it off your shoulders and move on... and some just reveals some plain ugly personality.

Listen we all like attention.. but not the kind that this city usually offers to us. Sometimes a random stranger will stop you on a street and say something nice... sometimes will stop your cab at 2 am just to tell you, that you have gorgeous eyes (as it happened to me once before). Hell we've all walked near a construction site before.. there are on average 5 guys that will say something, whistle or just plainly stare... CREEPY can you say?! But lets get to the really ugly attention that I've experienced ...

It all started with a Saturday night outing that seemed to be going promising.. until after watching a sappy comedy we couldn't get a cab to get to dinner. Well lets face it, February in NY isn't the warmest month... and with the wind the nipples were definitely saying hi.
Some random guy stopped us and said he was a cab driver... so eager to get to our dinner on time we jumped in... sure he was a cab driver after all... short conversation revealed that he was Egyptian from Alexandria... Lets call him The Boxer (as apparently he was a professional boxer back home). If you've ever been to Astoria you know there are lots of Egyptians living here and I happen to be friends with quite a few of them. And as our conversation revealed we have some common friends as well. As soon as he heard that I was from Poland... he made sure to mention that he has dated plenty of Polish girls before.
So for him the game was on... peacock chest was out... and now I felt like I was at a car dealership having one of those annoying sales person trying to sell me a kia as it was an aston martin. During the 10 minute car ride to the restaurant, he managed to tell us all about his business, life and his boxing career... he also managed to include in the conversation, that his company only owns bmws, mercedes etc.. yet we were stuck in some old falling apart town car... really?!! We didn't really respond to his sales pitch so then he proceeded to tell us that he only works with models and VIP... really? Felt like I was in LA for a second there and EVERYONE was IN the business. The Boxer was failing miserably... impressing us really wasn't working and wasn't going to get him anywhere... The 10 minute cab ride felt like it lasted for hours... but finally we arrived at the restaurant... and he actually had the guts to ask for my phone number... pulling the ultimate 'boyfriend' card didn't work.. as he said he also has a girlfriend and that I'm getting it all twisted... so then I said that I'm not really looking for new friends either... and his response to that was that he "has had many girls from my country before and (that) they are very cold in bed"... Can't some man just put a tail behind their bum and walk away with some class?! No... apparently male ego doesn't let them... he had to show how classless of a person he was... I didn't bother wasting another breath saying anything else, just thinking 'be the better person, walk the higher road.'

Listen I know there are plenty of girls that are looking for a man with $$ and a position... someone that will take care of them... but if the guy actually asked another question apart of 'where are you from' rather than telling us his life story... he wouldn't humiliate himself and would have spared us the dreadful cab ride...

Next time... please lets try to get a driver that either doesn't speak English or is gay... ;-)

After all we were so hungry we just couldn't wait to get in and stuff our faces... The restaurant happened to make a mistake with my reservation... and booked it under Carolina Dolphin... so Flipper and a friend, happy and warm had a delicious dinner! For those of you who don't know that.. Dolphin is one of my many nicknames! Coincidence? As Heniu would say... there are no coincidences! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. If they are so cold in bed, why did he keep going out with them? MMM.. like the Millionare Matchmaker says, when the dick goes to attention...
